As I reflect on the course content and its relation to my action research plan, I find 3 key areas that seemed particularly relevant: the primary class text Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Nancy Fichtman Dana, 2009; assignments designed to integrate the reading with my actual research inquiry, and the lecture featuring the 3 doctoral speakers and their use of action research in the school setting.
First, I found the textbook Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Nancy Fichtman Dana, 2009 to be one of the most interesting and resourceful books I’ve encountered. Its concepts and suggested practices are applicable at all levels of the school – from the classroom teacher to support or specialized teachers and programs to administrative positions. I firmly believe that using the action research inquiry method, whether as formally as is laid out for our curriculum or in a more informal manner for day to day “real world” usage can only improve the inquirers ability to teach and/or lead. For example, it allows me to really hone in and develop the key components to the new wellness program I am developing while, in a sense, forcing me to keep the key objectives or goals in mind. Many times, it is easy to start veering off track if there is no guideline or baseline to follow. Forming an action research inquiry keeps your focus on the right track.
The assignments which integrated the information from the classroom texts with my action research inquiry were useful in that they allowed me to put into practice the theory being read. This type of assignment, as opposed to assignments designed to regurgitate definitions, requires the action researcher to move up Blooms Taxonomy to the higher order thinking of application and synthesis. This level of thinking truly allows for deep understanding so as to be able to utilize this form of self improvement on a day to day basis.
Finally, I found all 3 guest speakers to be insightful and to give useful ideas to incorporate back at my school. Since all 3 were in different positions, each one had his own unique contribution and viewpoint as to how an action research inquiry form of analysis was beneficial to the program or school to which it was being applied. It is always exciting to hear someone else’s ideas which trigger your own idea applicable to your own program or need.
While I believe all three components listed previously, the class primary text, the assignments integrating my plan and the readings, and the 3 guest speakers, hands down the text Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Nancy Fichtman Dana, 2009, far exceeded my expectations. It is a reference source I will turn to again and again, even following the completion of my masters.
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