Saturday, August 28, 2010

EDLD 5363 Week 1 Assignment Reflection

This week we created a personal digital story incorporating digital photos to tell a personal story using a basic editing software program.  I found this assignment to be alot of fun because it was a personal project.  I think it was a great idea to have us post our project to a free Web site.  One key bit of information I learned: webhost sites do not like anything over 100 megabytes.  I do think, however, it might be helpful this first week to have had some video lectures about the technology aspects of video creation and web posting,  as well as the story development skills we needed to create our first project. I like to work with technology and solving technical problems, however I find that the average teacher would probably have given up posting their work to a Wiki, Blog, or online Web hosting site if they could not figure out how to reduce a file size and or to render to a different format. I look forward to our next assignment.

EDLD 5363 Multimedia Week 1 Story

Thursday, August 12, 2010

EDLD 5301 Research Week 5 Reflection

As I reflect on the course content and its relation to my action research plan, I find 3 key areas that seemed particularly relevant: the primary class text Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Nancy Fichtman Dana, 2009; assignments designed to integrate the reading with my actual research inquiry, and the lecture featuring the 3 doctoral speakers and their use of action research in the school setting.

First, I found the textbook Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Nancy Fichtman Dana, 2009 to be one of the most interesting and resourceful books I’ve encountered. Its concepts and suggested practices are applicable at all levels of the school – from the classroom teacher to support or specialized teachers and programs to administrative positions. I firmly believe that using the action research inquiry method, whether as formally as is laid out for our curriculum or in a more informal manner for day to day “real world” usage can only improve the inquirers ability to teach and/or lead. For example, it allows me to really hone in and develop the key components to the new wellness program I am developing while, in a sense, forcing me to keep the key objectives or goals in mind. Many times, it is easy to start veering off track if there is no guideline or baseline to follow. Forming an action research inquiry keeps your focus on the right track.

The assignments which integrated the information from the classroom texts with my action research inquiry were useful in that they allowed me to put into practice the theory being read. This type of assignment, as opposed to assignments designed to regurgitate definitions, requires the action researcher to move up Blooms Taxonomy to the higher order thinking of application and synthesis. This level of thinking truly allows for deep understanding so as to be able to utilize this form of self improvement on a day to day basis.

Finally, I found all 3 guest speakers to be insightful and to give useful ideas to incorporate back at my school. Since all 3 were in different positions, each one had his own unique contribution and viewpoint as to how an action research inquiry form of analysis was beneficial to the program or school to which it was being applied. It is always exciting to hear someone else’s ideas which trigger your own idea applicable to your own program or need.

While I believe all three components listed previously, the class primary text, the assignments integrating my plan and the readings, and the 3 guest speakers, hands down the text Leading with Passion and Knowledge: The Principal as Action Researcher, Nancy Fichtman Dana, 2009, far exceeded my expectations. It is a reference source I will turn to again and again, even following the completion of my masters.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 4 Reflection on Action Research Plan

EDLD 5301 Research

We are continuing to work thru the some of the logistics of implementing the wellness plan for my high school. It will be the first one in our district, so we are very careful to proceed only when we feel each step is truly ready. While we expect some glitches, we want the program to be successful.

Our primary goal is to get a baseline program up and running this year. If we can begin to serve the needs of our staff and develop a simple but effective program, then we feel it will be easier to continue to grow and expand the program to deeper and richer levels of support and usage. Keeping perspective that this is the first program and the first year of the program in our district, not just our school, will allow us to develop a strong base for the program that will allow us to build upon it for years to come.

Revisions to the actual Plan have been made in blue.

My Action Research Plan Revised Week 4

Action Research Plan Rev. # Revisions to the actual Plan have been made in blue.
Please feel free to make comments on the plan.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 3 Blog Reflection for Action Research Course

EDLD 5301 Research
I found it valuable to put down an initial timeline for the action research plan and really see the scope and sequence of this action research inquiry will require. Some parts made me feel secure in my plans and prior research and knowledge. Other areas let me see I may need to continue to examine and improve uponmy plans as I continue to reflect thru-out the process.

Week 3 Blog Reflection Action Research Plan

Staff able to access certain components 24 hours a day (at their own convenience)1. Staff survey of wants and needs related to personal wellness
2. Literature research on current effective online programs
1. Online through staff e-mail.

2. Internet research
1. Jesse Cole

2. Jesse Cole
1.September, 2011

2. January, 2011
1. Review of results

2. Share results with team
1. Team meeting following survey closure

2. Team meeting in January, 2011
Tracking of results is more efficient and accurate1. Database of participants and non-participants to compare data1. Excel spreadsheet
1a. Access to staff attendance
1. Jesse Cole1. May, 20111. Review of data results from spreadsheet with team1. Team meeting in June, 2011
Greater resources for staff to utilize to benefit their own individual needs1. Professional Development Activities to teach about resources available and how to use.
2. Staff Newsletter
1. PDH Time allotted
1a. Training center to show online tools and how to use.
2. Online through staff e-mail.
1. Jesse Cole &
Walter Kelly

1a. Jesse Cole

2. Jesse Cole
February, 2011

October, 2011
1. Eduphoria Survey results of instruction

2. Staff informal feedback
1. Team meeting following training

2. Monthly
Can easily be adapted by other campuses in the district1. Share results with superintendent and school board1. Meeting with superintendent and school board1. Jesse Cole, Andrea Crane, Walter KellyJune, 20111. Spreadsheet and power point displaying quantitative and qualitative data obtained1. Feedback to team from meeting with superintendent and school board
Faster informational flow to staff1. Through e-mail

2. Web 2.0 tools
1. e-mail

2. Web 2.0 tools
1. Jesse Cole & Andrea Crane
2. Jesse Cole
1. October, 2011

2. After January, 2011
1. Staff informal feedback
2. Staff survey
2a. Personal Observation
1. Team meeting

2. Team meeting to share results
Access to information available from web 2.0 tools – so can be obtained from multiple sources (i.e.: smart phone, laptop, network computers, etc.)1. Design Web 2.0 tools to support staff needs1. Web 2.0 tools1. Jesse Cole HPISD technology department1. After January, 20111. Track hits on site
1a. Staff survey
1b. Personal Observation
1. Share results at team meeting

GOAL: How will technology sustain and enhance a staff wellness program at HPHS?

SCHOOL VISION: Develop a user friendly staff wellness program, incorporating technology and interpersonal resources to benefit all staff at HPHS.
*Team meetings are currently planned for informal correspondence every 3 weeks and formal meetings every 6-8 weeks based on need and activity follow up.